Sunday, January 27, 2013

Being healthy is about knowing yourself

So I have been trying to diet lately. I gained 25 lbs. in the first 5 months of my marriage and that is just not okay. I don't know if any of you can relate to how difficult dieting can be (if you're a woman  I'm sure you do), but so far I have learned a few things about myself that have made things easier and I would like to share them with you. However, do keep in mind that like me, you should learn about your own body and what works for you and makes your dieting easier.

I gained that 25 lbs. with my eyes closed. I did not even notice they were there till one day I stepped on a scale and almost cried. All that hard work to look good at my wedding only to gain it all back that quickly?? That was pretty pathetic. But that was when I realized I can't just eat what I want. I HAVE to watch the scale, count my calories, and pay attention to what's on my plate. Or I start to eat like my husband and his friends and that is just not okay for my body.

2. Get Motivated.
As much as I love my new husband, I have to have a motivation besides just wanting to look good for him. For example; a dress I want to wear (or my entire closet that is beginning to get tighter and tighter), an event where lots of pictures will be taken of me, a health issue that won't go away, or I just spent a lot of money on this diet program so I better stick to it.

3. Stay Satisfied.
I cannot let myself get hungry. I am a beast when I get hungry; it makes me extremely emotional, angry, and out of control of my mouth. Even if I don't get to that extreme, being hungry is still bad. If I get hungry I start thinking of all the things I wanna eat. I think of ordering 10 things on the Wendy's menu and my cravings just get out of hand, quickly making it difficult to make healthy choices.

4. Have a support system.
When I have a friend who is dieting too it makes things so much easier. When there is someone I can text to complain too, or ask how much they have lost, how they did today, etc. it makes things seem less difficult. Especially when you have a husband who likes to eat out and would eat pizza for every meal if he could.

5. Eat what you like!
I tried the Nutrisystem diet because I have had multiple people I know be really successful on it. That's great, I'm happy for them. I hated it. I love food and the more fresh, flavorful, and creative the dish is the more I love it. Nutrisystem food is not like that at all. Its very processed, very bland, boring, and just overall unsatisfying. I felt like eating again right after my meal because I just didn't feel like I had enjoyed my food at all. (Plus they fill all the food with a plant called inulin which is basically filled with fiber that your body can't digest so it makes you stay full longer and gives you gas.) I would much rather throw together my own healthy concoctions that keep my taste buds interested and make me thin.

6. Working out actually makes you feel better.
It really does, try it. Do what you like! Sometimes all I do is walk my dog, or dance around to my iPod in the bathroom,  or free weights and Pinterest exercises in my living room, or I do interval running on the treadmill, or go to yoga or pole dancing for fitness class. Even if you don't have time to work out, just move more. Walk around while you're on the phone, stand up every 20 min when you are at work or sick on the couch. But whatever it is, as long as it gets me moving after a long day at a desk, I am happier that day, and the next.

7. Cut out the CRAP.
Carbonation, Refined sugar, Artificial additives, Processed foods. All they do is make you sluggish, make your bowels irregular, make you hungrier (really), and make you fat. God did not put us on this earth to eat whatever science can cook up in a lab, he put delicious, colorful, nutrient rich, foods on this planet to be savored and appreciated. Do yourself, and him, a favor and enjoy them! But still of course only buy what you will eat... Just because God put brussels sprouts on this earth does not mean I will ever consume them.

Well I think that is enough for now. Those are the main things I have learned about dieting/eating healthy. There are more, but they are talked about more frequently so I'll spare you the repetition. I hope this helps at least one of you!

Britter OUT.

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