Thursday, April 22, 2010


Last night=epic sauce.
Out of your comfort zone was the unspoken theme of the evening. Half the dates were blind and the activity was swing dancing & outdoor movie going. Who would've thought it could go so well?? Everyone had a great time and came home twitterpated.
Especially me *guilty*
But when a completely gorgeous man turns out to be a better date than expected and treats you like gold, how would you feel?? Even if nothing comes of it, it was definitely a night to be remembered.
Oh why oh why does the end of the semester have to be so close?

Photos to be posted later.

This is a pic from swing dancing. Jared wanted to learn every single move there was! This one was most difficult. But we did learn the handstand!

Britter OUT.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I love how you say "Britter OUT" at the end of every post. Heehee. :) My darling Kindly, I heart you.
