Wow its been a long time since I've posted anything on here. I've been so busy and just not in the mood to write when I'm not! But now I haven't been able to write in my journal because of the breaking of my right wrist.... I guess I will just start with that story...
It’s a dumb story, especially because earlier that day we were tubing and I was like going off jumps and wrestling my brothers and didn’t hurt a thing; so here it goes…
I was changing the smoke alarm battery and I jumped off the dresser and landed weirdly, falling and landing on my wrist. So I look down and my arm is in an awesome S shape and I just like laughed. Then I realized it’s the middle of the night and I’m in the basement at my dad’s, how am I going to get someone to come in here… So I start yelling and screaming and Laura was like dead asleep so when she finally woke up she thought I had just like seen a spider/mouse and was overreacting so she’s like what the heck Brittany…. So she finally brings Michelle and they open the door and I’m just like laying there in shock. So we finally get out to the car (my dad was crying harder than I was the whole time) and its been snowing like insanely so we have to drive like ten mph the whole way to the hospital. When we finally got there I get out of the car and fall practically breaking my other arm because I didn’t realize till just then that my ankle was killing me too. Anyway, 4 hours, 3 morphine drips, 2 casts, and one disaster later…. I went home. Michelle was such a support the whole time, and I just remember wishing my dad could give me a blessing. But I decided I am a great comedian when I’m in pain. I was crackin jokes and makin friends with the doctors like the whole night, it kept me distracted I guess. I’m okay now it’s just hard to do anything especially because it was my right hand and right leg. Things that require two hands/feet… Driving, shopping, doing up your bra/jeans, doing your hair/makeup, opening bottles/bags, bathing, putting on and taking off clothes/socks/shoes, phlebotomy class, moving to Ohio, cutting up food, wearing a coat/long sleeves, writing, climbing, yoga, hugging, bowling, ice skating, skiing, sledding, Christmas treat baking, opening presents, and the list goes on…
The first things I'm going to do when I finally heal... Get a job, sign up for a yoga club again, get my climbing equipment, play raquetball and volleyball and laser tag,go bowling (I don't know why), write something awesome, and I don't know, other stuff. I've just learned to appreciate being active. I've missed it and its a great thing to have the ability to do anything with these incredible bodies we've been given.
Britter OUT.